Solid GPT
1.9k 121What is Solid GPT ?
Chat with your code repository, ask repository-level code questions, and discuss your requirements. AI scans and learns from your code to seek coding advice, develop coding plans, and generate a product requirement documents using the information in the repository.
🏁 Quick Start
🧱 Prerequisite
python3.8 or above
🔧 Setup
git clone https://github.com/AI-Citizen/SolidGPT.git
cd SolidGPT
pip3 install -r requirements.txt #installing the env
Set the project root folder as python path
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/
* Windows Replace pathtodirectory with the path of the project root directory
set PYTHONPATH=pathtodirectory
* ### Start Server Open first terminal and cd into the project root folder(SolidGPT)
- Linux/Mac/WSL2
sh StartServer.sh
- Windows Install the [WSL2](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install) and start the server from WSL2
wsl --install
sh StartServer.sh
Or install directly on Windows [Not Recommended]
Note: redis server needs to be installed before running below commands:
uvicorn solidgpt.src.api.api:app --reload
celery -A solidgpt.src.api.celery_tasks worker --loglevel=info -P eventlet
- Docker
docker buildx build -t solidgptlocalhost .
docker run -p 8000:8000 solidgptlocalhost
* #### Start UI portal Open the second terminal
* You'll need to install npm, and we recommend using version 9.8.1 or higher.
# From the project root folder
cd solidportal/panel
npm i && npm start
## 🏠 Introduction
* SolidGPT first learns from your repository in the `Onboard Project` phase.
* After this, choose Generate PRD or Get Tech Solution for customized solutions based on the onboarded project.
### 📖 Onboarding your project
1. Choose `Onboard Project` from the top left dropdown.
2. Enter your OpenAI API key.
3. Upload your project folder.(All files will be saved in your localstorage `SolidGPT/localstorage/...`)
4. ❗️Note: After completing the Onboard Project, an Onboard ID will be generated. If you remain in the same browser session, it will be automatically applied to subsequent actions. Alternatively, you can save it and manually input it in the future to bypass onboarding.
### 🧮 Get Technical Solution
1. Choose `Get Tech Solution` from the top left dropdown.
2. Enter your OpenAI API key.
3. Input your problem/Requirement.
Note: We currently support Python, JavaScript, and TypeScript projects. Support for more languages is on the way.
### 📁 Generate Product Requirement Document
1. Choose `Generate RPD` from the top left dropdown.
2. Input your requirement (suggest short and clear)
3. Input additional info or your project, SolidGPT will both use a summary from the repository and additional info you provide (optional)
## 📺 Demo(v0.2.5)