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364 62
03 May, 2024

What is BeeBot ?

BeeBot is your personal worker bee, an Autonomous AI Assistant designed to perform a wide range of practical tasks autonomously.

BeeBot Features

  • Tool selection via AutoPack and the ability to acquire more tools during task execution

  • Built-in persistence

  • REST API conforming to the e2b standard.

  • A websocket server to publish all events that occur within BeeBot

  • Swappable filesystem emulation so that files can be stored in-memory, on-disk, or in a database

  • A Web UI for managing your tasks (coming very soon)

  • Dynamic manipulation of history during task execution

  • Built-in caching with Helicone if enabled.

Install BeeBot

To get started with BeeBot, you can clone the repo to your local machine and install its dependencies using poetry .

These instructions may vary depending on your local development environment.

Terminal window
git clone https://github.com/AutoPackAI/beebot.git
cd beebot

Windows is officially unsupported but it may work. PRs are welcome for Windows compatibility but will not be a primary



Persistence is required. While SQLite is officially supported and is used in tests, it is highly recommended that

you use Postgres via docker, simply by executing docker compose up -d .



To use the CLI run:

Terminal window
poetry run beebot

API (via e2b)

To start the server run:

Terminal window
uvicorn beebot.initiator.api:create_app --factory --timeout-keep-alive=300

If you’re doing development on BeeBot itself, you may want to use this command:

Terminal window
uvicorn beebot.initiator.api:create_app --factory --reload --timeout-graceful-shutdown=3 --timeout-keep-alive=300

and then you can call the API using the following commands:

To create a task run:

Terminal window
curl --request POST \
--url http://localhost:8000/agent/tasks \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"input": "Write '\''hello world'\'' to hi.txt"

You will get a response like this:

"input": "Write 'hello world' to hi.txt",
"task_id": "103",
"artifacts": []

Then to execute one step of the task copy the task_id you got from the previous request and run:

Terminal window
curl --request POST \
--url http://localhost:8000/agent/tasks/<task-id>/steps

Websocket Connection

Note: Notifications are currently undergoing a rework and may not work at the moment

To receive a stream of changes to all the data models in BeeBot, you can subscribe to the websocket connection at

the /notifications endpoint with the same host/port as the web api, e.g. ws://localhost:8000/notifications. Use your

favorite websocket testing tool to try it out. (I like Insomnia)

Web Interface

We are working on a web interface using Node.js (Remix)


BeeBot’s development process is guided by a specific philosophy, emphasizing key principles that shape its development

and future direction.


The development of BeeBot is driven by the following priorities, always in this order:

  1. Functionality: BeeBot aims to achieve a high success rate for tasks within its range of expected capabilities.

  2. Flexibility: BeeBot strives to be adaptable to a wide range of tasks, expanding that range over time.

  3. Reliability: BeeBot focuses on reliably completing known tasks with predictability.

  4. Efficiency: BeeBot aims to execute tasks with minimal steps, optimizing both time and resource usage.

  5. Convenience: BeeBot aims to provide a user-friendly platform for task automation.


To achieve these priorities, BeeBot follows the following principles:

  • Tool-focused: BeeBot carefully selects and describes tools, ensuring their reliable use by LLMs. It

    uses AutoPack as the package manager for its tools.

  • LLM specialization: BeeBot will leverage a variety of LLMs best suited for different tasks, while OpenAI remains the

    primary LLM for planning and decision-making.

  • Functionality and flexibility first: BeeBot prioritizes functionality and flexibility over developer quality-of-life,

    which may limit support for specific platforms and other deployment conveniences.

  • Unorthodox methodologies: BeeBot employs unconventional development approaches to increase development speed, such as

    the absence of unit tests. Instead, end-to-end tests are used, ensuring the entire system works together as expected.

  • Proven concepts: BeeBot adopts new concepts only after they have been proven to enhance its five priorities.

    As a result, it does not have complex memory or a tree of thought.