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Audio WebUI

Audio WebUI

Audio WebUI

908 86
04 May, 2024

What is Audio WebUI ?

Audio WebUI is a webui for different audio related Neural Networks.

This code works on python 3.10 (lower versions don’t support ”|” type annotations, and i believe 3.11 doesn’t have support for the TTS library currently).

You also need to have Git installed, you might already have it, run git --version in a console/terminal to see if you already have it installed.

Some features require ffmpeg to be installed.

On Windows, you need to have visual studio C++ build tools installed.

Audio WebUI Install

👍 Automatic installers

Automatic installers! (Download)

  1. Put the installer in a folder

  2. Run the installer for your operating system.

  3. Now run the webui’s install script. Follow the steps at 📦 Installing

📦 Docker

Links to community audio-webui docker projects :

💻 Local install (Manual)

🔽 Downloading

It is recommended to use git to download the webui, using git allows for easy updating.

To download using git, run git clone https://github.com/gitmylo/audio-webui in a console/terminal

📦 Installing

Installation is done automatically in a venv when you run run.bat or run.sh (.bat on Windows, .sh on Linux/MacOS).

🔼 Updating

To update,

run update.bat on windows, update.sh on linux/macos

OR run git pull in the folder your webui is installed in.

🏃‍ Running

Running should be as simple as running run.bat or run.sh depending on your OS.

Everything should get installed automatically.

If there’s an issue with running, please create an issue

💻 Common command line flags

—skip-install[None]-si-siSkip installing packages
—skip-venv[None]-sv-svSkip creating/activating venv, also skips install. (for advanced users)
—no-data-cache[None][None]—no-data-cacheDon’t change the default dir for huggingface_hub models. (This might fix some models not loading)
—launch[None][None]—launchAutomatically open the webui in your browser once it launches.
—share[None]-s-sShare the gradio instance publicly
—usernameusername (str)-u, —user-u usernameSet the username for gradio
—passwordpassword (str)-p, —pass-p passwordSet the password for gradio
—themetheme (str)[None]—theme “gradio/soft”Set the theme for gradio
—listen[None]-l-lListen a server, allowing other devices within your local network to access the server. (or outside if port forwarded)
—portport (int)[None]—port 12345Set a custom port to listen on, by default a port is picked automatically